Graduate Opportunities Meet Innovation
Well, it's time. We're ready to launch officially in August. It has been a long process, but we are finally ready to give prospective graduate school students the best place to search for graduate opportunities like assistantships, postdocs and fellowships. HigherGrad will also give universities the exposure and platform needed to post and ultimately find the best students to fill critical graduate positions. It will be a platform for graduate school marketing, opportunities and advice unlike any before in the space.
HigherGrad will launch its initial website (release 1.0), which will be fully functional. As we gain more and more listings and have more user interactions, we will continually improve our site to ensure the best user experience possible. To list a position, please sign up and add your graduate positions for free! Please visit our support page to explore our frequently asked questions or to contact us if you have any issues using our platform. Share our resource with other universities and students and help more people find graduate school opportunities!
Its time to bring together graduate opportunities into one, easy to use platform. Simplify graduate school marketing of your University’s assistantships and postdocs to capture the right candidates. Join us at HigherGrad!
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