The Top Reasons to Pursue Graduate Studies
12/21/2017 by HIGHERGRAD
Additional education is almost always beneficial. The more you know the more you can do. The more you learn the better prepared you are at life and in turn your career. In addition, a bachelor's degree is becoming the norm and no longer differentiates you from others in the resume pool and job market. This reason alone is often enough, but there are at least five other reasons to pursue graduate studies that you should consider.
Increase Your Chances of Getting a Graduate Assistantship
03/27/2017 by HIGHERGRAD
Graduate assistantships are meant to be not only a way to finance graduate school, but they offer additional experiences through teaching and research to further your overall educational experience. These opportunities allow graduate students to hone their skills in teaching and research while also gaining some real-world experience in their field. Assistantships are highly competitive and landing a graduate assistantship is difficult. Those who wish to apply for one should present themselves in the best possible way to have a fighting chance at landing one.
3 Factors for Considering an MBA Degree
11/02/2016 by HIGHERGRAD
Deciding to earn a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) is not a light decision. Considering an MBA degree is truly a life-changing event. You must weigh the cost of the program itself, challenges with going to graduate school, and the opportunity cost of leaving (or not entering) the workforce. All of these then boil down to is an MBA worth it?
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